BIG NEWS - Pioneer has commercially acquired the rights to the 3 Sailor Moon movies, which will be released in both subtitled and dubbed formats. Dev
"Hi, I'm Tuxedo Dev.
Welcome to my Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Page. From here you can access many different
sections of the page. Like every page on the Internet, this page is always under construction ^_^
Bishoujo Senshi (Pretty Soldier) Sailor Moon is the story of a young girl, who lived in the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millenium, a time of peace over a thousand years ago. The Dark Kingdom discovered a way to escape it's realm and attack our Universe. After a fierce battle, the Moon Kingdon and all it's inhabitants were destroyed, but the Dark Kingdom was thwarted. The sole survivor of that battle, Queen Serenity, used the last of her strength to send the Princess and her court to Earth to escape destruction, and to defend it from the same evil which destroyed her home. As she does so, she discovers the Sailor Scouts, who were the princesses of their respective planets: Ami (Mercury), Rei (Mars), Minako (Venus) and Makoto (Jupiter).
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My First chapter in an attempted Fanfic, 'Who is that Masked Man' can be downloaded here : I would love to have comments made on how i can improve it
Lately there has been a lot of questions asked about Sailor Moon concerning it's audience. Many people have asked "Why do you watch it? Isn't it just a kids show?" Here i will explain what i think of this question.
MixxZine is a collection of manga in english, and includes english speaking Sailor Moon, amongst other cool stories such as Magic Knight Rayearth and Ice Blade. Although there have been some major americanization in these, the art is still the same :)
Remember to support SOSAU : Save Our Sailors Down Under : If we all sign up we will get the attention of the Australian Networks and we will have Sailor Moon back where she belongs : On Screen.
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Email me : Tuxedo Dev